Dear Newgrounds visitors,
my vacation is coming to an end. The new year has started ( happy new year, by the way ) and soon I won't have much time for Flash projects any more.
I'm still working on my biggest project yet and I hope to finish it by the end of this vacation or shortly afterwards. My goal is to reach an average of at least 3/5.
If you have any critique to share, please don't be shy! Leave a review on ( one of ) my Flash movies. It'll have a positive influence on the Flash movie I am making.
The included screenshot shows a bit of the Project. Yes, Master Chief and Mega Man are in it. Master Chief's role won't be large. In fact, he might have no more than a few seconds of screentime. But I thought it'd be fun to have him in in there too.
So, that concludes my blog for now. Comments, reactions, and everything of that sort would be appreciated.